Monday, 20 October 2014

Slow Progress

Unfortunately, I have been quite ill this week, and feel like I really haven’t hit my stride with drawing. In an attempt to be experimental, I tried to develop some bigger more close up recreations of the wavy lines using a mixture of paint, crayon, ink and collage. I feel these drawings came out a bit too eclectic and although studying the colours within the pictures more carefully has proven helpful, I feel the drawings I have created are a bit sloppy and not substantial enough.

After this I have taken a different approach back in my sketchbook mainly using inks to create the vivid colours and some of the lines. I don’t feel I have really produced enough work this week, so I’m motivated for next week to be more productive. Having spoken to my tutor I feel like I have more ideas for producing more interesting and refined drawings and hope to be ready to start producing samples after Monday’s tutorial. 

Monday, 13 October 2014

PDP Tutorials

Having had my PDP tutorial, I am very excited about this project. I have lots of bright colours to work with and have been advised to do drawings and try manipulating further my images I have photocopied. I am going to experiment with lots of different media to try and recreate the effects created by the manipulated photocopied images. 
Although I feel like I still have a very random collection of drawing across my two sketchbooks I feel like focusing on a few different images will help me refine my drawing and hopefully find a media that works for me.
 I think it might be interesting to try recreate the lines with collage or inks. I’m looking forward to having more drawings so I can start thinking about fabrics and techniques that I might use. 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Sound and Vision: Week 2

After having struggled a bit last week with mark making and finding a medium I enjoyed, this week I have felt a bit more confident working a bit more illustratively. I particularly enjoyed the theme from retro mood board task, really enjoying finding psychedelic patterns, 60s ephemera and presenting a colour palette with yarn wrappings. 
I really hope to take this work forward creating more drawings using the bright colours and swirly patterns. 
I feel like I have really enjoyed this project, and feel a bit more confident with my drawing. It is useful to know that I can turn non visual stimuli into illustrative drawings, which may come in handy getting “unstuck” in future projects. 
And although I have not really found my favourite medium to work with, I have enjoyed using the photocopier to manipulate my drawings. 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Sound and Vision: week 1

For my visual research weeks I have chosen the Sound and Vision project. This involves turning something audio into something visual which I think I will enjoy, being quite a big fan of music but will challenge me as well. 
Our first task was to listen to one song and create 15-30 drawings based one just that song. I chose a song called ……. By Dervish. This is an instrumental Irish folk song and these were some of the images I produced:

The next exercise I tried was called “Colour Fields”, we had to listen to a song with contrasts and create a colour palette and a composition using that colour palette that represents the song. I chose “Sea of Love” by Catpower. 
Finally I tried an exercise where we had to create our own graphic notation in response to a piece of music. I chose the instrumental piece “Music for a Found Harmonium” by the Penguin CafĂ© Orchestra I mainly responded to the “deh-deh-deh” sounds of the violin.

This week I feel I have struggled with the exercises, due to the abstract nature of the mark making and still haven’t really found a media I’m fully comfortable with, much like my summer sketchbook it feels a bit scattered and not really part of a collection.